Help & FAQ

R.T.F.M! (Read the F*#@ing Manual)

What is a CBR File?

A CBR file is a 'Comic Book Rar'. It is a RAR file standardized into a comic book format.

How Do I Read CBR Files?

1. CDisplay is the best viewer I've seen that will view them like a standard flip book and resize to fit your monitor.
2. You can also rename it to .rar or .zip and extract the individual graphics as you please using Winrar.


Short answer, no.
Long answer, noooooooo.
You're welcome to send it, but I wont host it here.
Fluff, however, is always welcomed.

You Have My Artwork, Take it Down!

Please email me and I'll gladly remove it from the site. I'm not here to steal or take credit for your work, I swear!

You Have My Scans/Translations/Files, Take it Down!

If you can provide me with a link to your site where people can find your work, I'll gladly direct them to it instead! If your links go dead, I will host it here again. You provided it free of charge to begin with, I want to give everyone the chance to read it.

You didn't give Me/My Team Credit!

Let me know and I will! :) After nearly 20 years of collection likely I just don't remember where I got these files and it was an honest oversight. Most of the time I manage to find files on Reddit/4chan or Imgr and they're sometimes pretty terrible about backlinking.

Who's in Charge Here?

Me. I generally go by Tcat, but for the sake of archiving this site, I go by Stasis.

And You Are?

A faceless, nameless geek who's been on the internet since before Netflix took its first baby steps out into the world.
My official first Megaman game was the Japanese release of Zero 1 in 2002, which I emulated. I'd played the original PS1 versions of X4 and X5 in high school, but back then I was unaware of the glorious rapture that was Dash as the Shoulder Buttons. Looking back now, I have no idea WHY I started with Zero, but I was hooked, even if I have a Weeaboo-level of Japanese knowledge. (Eventually, I did snag physical English copies.)
Skip to over almost two decades later, I have a billion Megaman related OCs and I draw comics, write my own AU stories, and RP.
Occasionally, I enjoy yelling at kids to get off my lawn.

Can I See Your Collection?
Anything Else to Say?

Stay in school.
Don't do drugs.
Switch your Dash to Shoulder Buttons.

How Do I Contact You for Other Matters?

Email: tcatkidna(at)gmail(dot)com
DeviantArt: Tcat
Tumblr: Maverick Hunter: Special Forces
Discord Chat: Maverick Hunter: Special Forces

help_faq.txt ยท Last modified: 2020/05/15 13:29 by stasis