Welcome to Reploid Power

This is where I'm archiving everything Megaman I've collected over the years. Some is complete, cleaned, and translated into English, some is… not so much. The majority of translations and scans on Reploid Power I've found on websites that no longer exist, so credit will be given where credit can be found (or remembered へ(´д`へ)). I'll do what I can to link back to the original creators or original pages if they still exist. Aside from typesetting some text files to scanned images I've not altered images or credits in existing scanlations.

Everything listed on these pages so far is what I have digital copies of. If anyone has scans, whether Japanese, English, or not, don't hesitate to email me to add to the collection. Anything I can find in English will be added to the site as #1 priority. tcatkidna(at)gmail(dot)com or come visit our Discord Chat: Maverick Hunter: Special Forces

And as always, if you have a chance to buy any of these books I highly recommend supporting the creators (or your local bookstores) and getting physical copies. Some are hard as hell to get a hold of today though, unfortunately, which is one reason this site exists. If nothing else I don't want to see them go forgotten to time!

I cannot stress this enough: I did not scan or translate anything on these pages that isn't specifically specified. Please give love and support to the wonderful people out there who do this for you.

Don't be a douche: do not hotlink to images or files.

LATEST FINDINGS - January 2023

Been a while. Oof. Trying to get back to this. Upgraded the back end, since apparently I haven't for about four years. I plan on going through the archives and putting things in a bit more order. Manga/Comics have thumbnails!

Also, please welcome our new contributors Digi and megamancollector!

Still to do/check versions: English Irregular Hunter X, Rockman & Forte, Rockman 4, Rockman 8, Rockman X, X2, X3, X4, Ryuusei no Rockman 3.

start.txt · Last modified: 2023/01/24 19:54 by stasis