==== Help & FAQ ==== R.T.F.M! (Read the F*#@ing Manual)\\ == What is a CBR File? == A CBR file is a 'Comic Book Rar'. It is a RAR file standardized into a comic book format. == How Do I Read CBR Files? == 1. [[http://www.cdisplayex.com|CDisplay]] is the best viewer I've seen that will view them like a standard flip book and resize to fit your monitor.\\ 2. You can also rename it to .rar or .zip and extract the individual graphics as you please using [[https://www.rarlab.com/download.htm|Winrar]]. == Hentai? == Short answer, no.\\ Long answer, noooooooo.\\ You're welcome to send it, but I wont host it here.\\ Fluff, however, is always welcomed. == You Have My Artwork, Take it Down! == Please email me and I'll gladly remove it from the site. I'm not here to steal or take credit for your work, I swear! == You Have My Scans/Translations/Files, Take it Down! == If you can provide me with a link to your site where people can find your work, I'll gladly direct them to it instead! If your links go dead, I will host it here again. You provided it free of charge to begin with, I want to give //everyone// the chance to read it. == You didn't give Me/My Team Credit! == Let me know and I will! :) After nearly 20 years of collection likely I just don't remember where I got these files and it was an honest oversight. Most of the time I manage to find files on Reddit/4chan or Imgr and they're sometimes pretty terrible about backlinking. == Who's in Charge Here? == Me. I generally go by Tcat, but for the sake of archiving this site, I go by //[[http://reploidpower.snorkeldragon.com/lib/exe/fetch.php?media=stasis.jpg|Stasis]]//. == And You Are? == A faceless, nameless geek who's been on the internet since before Netflix took its first baby steps out into the world.\\ My official first Megaman game was the Japanese release of Zero 1 in 2002, which I emulated. I'd played the original PS1 versions of X4 and X5 in high school, but back then I was unaware of the glorious rapture that was Dash as the Shoulder Buttons. Looking back now, I have no idea WHY I started with Zero, but I was hooked, even if I have a Weeaboo-level of Japanese knowledge. (Eventually, I did snag physical English copies.)\\ Skip to over almost two decades later, I have a billion Megaman related OCs and I draw comics, write my own AU stories, and RP.\\ Occasionally, I enjoy yelling at kids to get off my lawn. == Can I See Your Collection? == [[Nerd Merch|Sure!]] == Anything Else to Say? == Stay in school.\\ Don't do drugs.\\ Switch your Dash to Shoulder Buttons. == How Do I Contact You for Other Matters? == Email: tcatkidna(at)gmail(dot)com\\ DeviantArt: [[https://www.deviantart.com/tcat|Tcat]]\\ Tumblr: [[https://maverickhunter-sf.tumblr.com/|Maverick Hunter: Special Forces]]\\ Discord Chat: [[https://discord.gg/Eg4TsAX|Maverick Hunter: Special Forces]]